Thanks for the content. I am observing closely this lunation cycle simple bc we have not had this aspect with Pluto in the mix. This phrase -Leo III reminds us: when you stand in your truth, no force can shake you- reminds me to stay firmly rooted to the earth, listen deeply to my intuition and that these times we are all feeling are exactly what we need to experience. I think many on the collective are re examining what truth means to to them, and that feels so Plutonian to me. The more I reflect on the chaos, I go back to my truth , re root, and then continue the fight. I , of course, keep watching and experiencing the shadow and have to remember it's not what i say to others , but how I say it and am I being self righteous in the things I say. Oh this big ole goofy life as John Prine would say!

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Thank you so much for sharing Dede. Yes you are so right, that Pluto shadow exposing what the collective holds as the truth will shake many who are not aligned with their authentic self. We can only tend to our corner of the world, and hold our own truth. Observing can be so tough, too, but grounding and standing in our truth is an act of resistance and resilience. Fly your banner high!!!

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