Sagittarius New Moon - First in December’s Trilogy
The New Moon on 1 December 2024, 6.21 am Universal Time at 9° Sagittarius begins a lunar cycle offering insights, potential for fast movement, and decisive action. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter; thrives on exploration, big-picture thinking, and a quest for truth.
This New Moon offers a fresh start, a clean slate in one area of our life (the house in your astrological birth chart ruled by Sagittarius) and invites us to set intentions that inspire: exploration, learning, inspired action, embrace new opportunities, and broaden our horizons, both physically or intellectually. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone?
It is a lunation that encourages swift motion and forward action, but also reminds us to consider carefully what drives our enthusiasm and to ensure it is authentic and aligned with our values. The current retrograde planets are likely to put the brakes on the instinct for impetus we may feel, which may give us plenty of time to reflect and revise.
The symbolism of the New Moon in Sagittarius: Jupitarian Ruled Mutable Fire
Sagittarius is a mutable, or double-bodied fire sign that symbolises optimism, freedom, adaptability, inspiration, and the pursuit of truth and wisdom. We are encouraged to seek faith, aim high, and pursue personal growth with optimism and courage. This can bring instinctive, quick responses and flexibility or adaptability. It thrives on exploration—whether through travel, education, philosophical inquiry, or simply losing yourself in a great book—and often inspires others through big-picture thinking.
Ruled by Jupiter, currently in its detriment in Gemini, Sagittarius encourages us to broaden our horizons and challenges our existing beliefs. Its fiery nature encourages us to embrace freedom and act on our passions, while its mutability allows us to remain flexible and open to change.
This is the sign where the light of the season is still fading, we are about the enter the darkest month, Capricorn and the winter solstice and there is an air of the celebration after the work of growing crops and the harvest is complete and before the hardest part of the cold and dark winter must be faced.
Sagittarius New Moon Cycles
Every New Moon signals the beginning of a new lunar cycle, offering a clean slate for new intentions and fresh starts. We are familiar with the feeling, as we experience one every month. The monthly cycle lasts about 28 days, from one New Moon to the next. For the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024, the monthly cycle will culminate with the Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024, and will complete by the New Moon in Capricorn on 30 December 2024, which completes our Trilogy of December Moons.
The longer emotional and transformational journey tied to this New Moon can be worked with until you see a culmination at the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 11 June, 2025. Over this six-month period, the seeds of actions initiated or arrows shot during this New Moon can reach their full potential.
Within the Moon Family cycle as outlined by Dietrich Pessin in Lunar Shadows III, this New Moon connects to a longer cycle of lunations which may be meaningful if you have placements in your natal chart activated by this New Moon. This cycle extends over 28 months, progressing through four key lunar phases at roughly nine-month intervals, offering a broader arc of development.
New Moon on 1 December 2024 (9° Sagittarius)
First Quarter Moon on 31 August 2025 (8° Sagittarius)
Full Moon on 31 May 2026 (9° Sagittarius)
Last Quarter Moon on 28 February 2027 (9° Sagittarius)
These interconnected lunations emphasise themes of exploration, learning, and visionary growth over 28 months. We can track these cycles to see and work with the evolution of our goals over time, showing how each phase builds upon the last. It is ideal for bigger projects and longer-term goals in our lives if you wish to work with the Moon.
Working with the Moon Family cycle means setting intentions now with the knowledge that they will unfold in stages over the next two years. This longer timeline offers you the opportunity to approach your desires and goals with patience, allowing time for growth, reflection, and integration. This work is particularly effective if you have planets or angles in the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo) between 6-12 degrees.
Decan of Sagittarius I: Magic Motion and the Poisoned Arrow
The New Moon in the first decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Mercury (triplicity ruler) and Jupiter (Chaldean ruler), adding layers of intellectual and spiritual significance. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages bold communication, while Jupiter expands our capacity for optimism and learning while offering wise counsel. Together, these rulers emphasise the power of knowledge and its ability to inspire action.
This decan symbolises the power of ideas and action—when concepts take flight and events unfold at lightning, and maybe surprising speed. Austin Coppock refers to it as the "Poisoned Arrow," representing the duality of rapid motion: while there is power in swift, focused action, haste can lead to unintended consequences if the target is not carefully chosen, or aligned with our values. The arrow symbolising precision, direction, and the power of an idea launched into the world. Astrologer Kira Ryberg has called this decan Mystic, referring to the power of the Mage aspect of Jupiter to add fairy dust to our actions right now. Listen carefully and watch for any symbols that are meaningful for you.
In the Wild Way Oracle card for this decan, Sagittarius I is depicted as a wolf in motion, embodying the urgency and energy of this decan.
“No time to waste!” yells Sagittarius I Wolf as they enthusiastically whoosh by at top speed. Arriving like bolts of lightning, visions, thoughts, and ideas come quickly now and must be implemented immediately or not at all. This is a time for action, but consider what is motivating your eagerness. Thoughts may be easily manipulated through propaganda and persuasion, so ensure your feelings are authentic before drawing your bow and releasing your arrow!” Excerpt from the Wild Way Guide Book by
Sagittarius I emphasises expansive thinking and bold exploration but warns against letting impulsivity or manipulation guide our decisions. Sagittarius I is a decan of momentum, where the fire of inspiration ignites swift and purposeful action.
The 8 of Wands, associated with Sagittarius I, symbolises swift action, clarity of purpose, and rapid movement toward a goal. This card reminds us that momentum is building, and the time to act is now. However, it also cautions against impulsiveness, urging us to ensure our direction is aligned with our higher vision. Like arrows in flight, our efforts are propelled forward, but we must be certain of our target.
T. Susan Chang on Sagittarius I
In T. Susan Chang’s evocative words, Sagittarius I is a realm of viral energy and bold manifestation:
Viral fires you can’t douse—
Ignite them at the Arrow House.
See that glowing filament?
Harness it before it’s spent...If you want it, say the word!
Those who listen shall be heard.
What’s your gift? Be swift to name it.
Fortune favours those who claim it.
Key Astrological Aspects of the Sagittarius New Moon
This New Moon has some challenging aspects and some that amplify its themes of movement, revelation, and transformation. While its energy feels fast-paced, the retrograde motion of key planets adds layers of introspection and caution.
Co-Presence with Mercury (Retrograde)
Mercury, retrograde in Sagittarius, deepens the quest for truth, asking us to reconsider our perspectives and refine our communication. Mercury reminds us to pause before acting impulsively, even as the fiery Sagittarian energy urges us forward. The Retrograde may require us to revisit ideas and refine our plans, particularly concerning long-term plans, beliefs, and communication. This could lead to revisiting educational or travel goals, editing creative works, or rethinking philosophical perspectives. The aim is to communicate with alignment of mind and action.
Whole Sign Opposition to Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini (Mutual Reception with Mercury)
The opposition between the New Moon and Jupiter, Sagittarius’s ruling planet, brings a dynamic push-pull between expansive, adventurous desires and practical, detail-oriented thinking. It adds intellectual vigor and a broad perspective to the lunation’s themes. The tension between these placements may challenge us to balance big-picture thinking with detailed analysis. Mutual reception supports the flow of intellectual ideas and the pursuit of meaningful connections. Try and find a balance for grand visions with practical details. Avoid overstretching yourself, but don’t let analysis paralysis stifle progress. Seek learning opportunities and maintain curiosity about other perspectives.Whole Sign Sextile to Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius adds depth and intensity bringing empowering, transformative energy to this New Moon, supporting us in breaking free from outdated patterns, beliefs and ideas. Pluto is encouraging breakthroughs in personal growth and power dynamics.
Lean into self-discovery and be open to profound insights. Trust that what feels like a loss may be the beginning of transformation. Co-Create by identifying what limiting patterns or fears you may have in the Aquarius area of your Natal Chart and preparing to be open to release them. This is the first lunation to meet the new Pluto in Aquarius so it is helpful that is makes a supportive aspect, it may well offer an introduction or first taste for our themes for the next 20 years as Pluto journeys on.T-Square with Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces (Degree-Based Square to Saturn)
This T-square creates tension between expansion (Jupiter), discipline (Saturn), and impulsive action (New Moon). The square to Saturn adds a sense of responsibility, reminding us that lasting growth requires patience and structure. It introduces a sobering counterpoint to Sagittarius’s expansive energy, demanding discipline and long-term vision. Saturn reminds us to temper our enthusiasm with pragmatic practicality and patience.Manage this by avoiding overcommitting or taking shortcuts. Prioritise long-term strategies over quick wins, and stay grounded in your actions.
Trine to Mars in Leo
The fiery beneficial trine to Mars offers creative courage, passion, creativity and assertiveness, supporting bold action and inspired leadership. Mars in Leo encourages us to take risks and express ourselves authentically. However, with Mars slowing to station Retrograde on 6 December, this energy may feel slower or require revisiting old ambitions before fully moving forward.
Consider channelling your energy into revisiting unfinished projects or reigniting past passions. Be patient with delays or frustrations, and focus on sustained effort.
Anticia Between Mars and Uranus
Though separating, the anticia connection between Mars in Leo and Uranus in Taurus subtly suggests hidden or mirrored actions, where unexpected breakthroughs or shifts in direction may still arise.
Stay flexible and adaptable. Pay attention to any hidden patterns or synchronicities, and be ready to pivot if needed.
Conjunction with Royal Fixed Star Antares (10° Sagittarius)
Antares, the heart of the Scorpion, known for its intensity, courage, and transformative power, amplifies the New Moon’s bold, adventurous energy and deep insight. This alignment can bring success through courage and determination but warns against excessive risk-taking or impulsiveness.Channel this energy into fearless but thoughtful action. Be mindful of power struggles or confrontational tendencies. Aim to lead with wisdom and integrity.
Practical Guidance for the Sagittarius New Moon
Set Big-Picture Goals: This is a time for bold intentions that inspire growth and exploration. Consider what areas of life you want to expand, and be specific about the steps you’ll take to get there.
Reassess and Refine: With Mercury retrograde, reflect on your goals and communication. Where can you gain clarity or let go of limiting beliefs?
Balance Enthusiasm with Discernment: The opposition to Jupiter and square to Saturn challenges us to temper excitement with practicality. Be mindful of overcommitting or spreading yourself too thin.
Act with Courage: The trine to Mars in Leo supports creative risks and leadership. Trust your instincts and let your passion guide you.
Seek Wisdom: With Jupiter in Gemini, embrace opportunities for learning and expanding your perspective.
Embrace Courage with Care: Antares lends bold energy but warns against impulsive risks. Lead with wisdom and consider the long-term impact of your actions.
This Sagittarius New Moon is a powerful moment to recalibrate your course, aim high, and harness the energy of reflection and motion. Trust the process, even if progress feels slower or requires revisiting old paths.
Who Will Feel It the Most?
Those with placements in mutable signs—Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces—will feel this lunation the most, especially around 9° of any sign. Fire signs may find the energy supportive for bold action, while air signs may benefit from intellectual clarity and new ideas. Those with prominent Mercury or Jupiter placements may experience heightened mental activity, inspiration, and reevaluation of long-term goals.
This New Moon invites us to harness Sagittarius’s boundless energy and optimism, setting intentions that align with our inner truths and propel us toward meaningful growth. With courage, clarity, and focus, we can draw our bow, release the arrow, and trust the journey ahead. Stay patient with any delays or obstacles and aligned with your values.
Travel well, friends.
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If you prefer to go deeper and work with the Moons’ cycles and the planets in your personal chart then I also offer Astro Coaching. Contact me through a message here, or book at You can also become a paid subscriber to download my Astro Coaching WorkBook and access the archive of posts which guide you through it, working with the Moons. Upgrade your level to join the AstroCoaching Group and Astrology Q&A.
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00:00 Introduction to the Sagittarius New Moon
02:48 Themes of Exploration and Growth
06:10 The Influence of Mercury and Jupiter
09:01 Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
11:51 Practical Guidance for Setting Intentions
15:13 Who Will Feel the Effects?
References: The Decans: Images and Applications
Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology The Eagle and the Lark
Dietrich Pessin Lunar Families III The 36 Decans
T Susan Chang Dreaming the Decans
@nicola_allan on Instagram & Twitter
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