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A New Karmic Story: The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - September 18, 2024

On September 18, 2024, or possibly the 17th depending on your timezone, a partial lunar eclipse will take place at 25°40’ Pisces. It occurs at 3.34 am in the UK where I am based, 2.34 am UT. This eclipse is an introduction to a cycle that will continue through 2025 and 2026, with similar eclipses in Pisces and Virgo marking the end of summer each year.

This is the first of three lunar eclipses in Pisces, initiating a period which offers us deep spiritual reflection, surrender, and transformation. The Pisces-Virgo axis invites us to explore themes of service, spirituality, and the balance between the material and the ethereal. We are likely to explore questions and themes such as How does being of service to others also reward and feed our soul? Are we so spiritual that we are detached from the material world, and if so, how can we ground ourselves in practical, earthly matters? How do our dreams impact on our waking life?

This eclipse occurs with the Sun applying to meet the fixed star Alkaid. Alkaid has long been associated with themes of mourning, protection, and cyclic change. It adds a layer of sombre reflection to this lunar eclipse, suggesting that this is a time to honour what has passed, embrace transitions, and prepare for new beginnings with a spirit of surrender.

What is a Lunar Eclipse?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow over the Moon. Unlike a normal Full Moon, where the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, a lunar eclipse adds the weight of the Earth’s shadow, symbolising supercharged moments of culmination, closure, and revelation


Lunar eclipses highlight the need to release old patterns and beliefs, illuminating what must be let go in order to move forward. They may correspond with emotional and spiritual breakthroughs, bringing unresolved issues to light. A Full Moon alone is a time of heightened awareness, but during a lunar eclipse, this effect is amplified and is more likely to have a lasting impact on our lives, especially if it aspects planets in our birth chart. Eclipses may accelerate events, causing major endings, major beginnings, or shifts that may have been building beneath the surface for some time.

The Significance of a Pisces Lunar Eclipse

This partial lunar eclipse takes place in Pisces, a mutable, femine or yin, water sign associated with intuition, compassion, and the dissolution of boundaries. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and has Venus as the Exaltation Ruler. Jupiter is the planet of hope, faith and wisdom as well as growth.

As the Moon is eclipsed in Pisces, its connection with our Earth is temporarily interrupted. Like a computer being switched off and on again, there is a sense of a reset. Themes of surrender, introspection, and connection to the spiritual realm may be intensified. Pisces energy is often flowing and ethereal, visualise the ocean, sometimes still and sometimes with dramatic high waves crashing, making it more challenging to engage with the material world. This eclipse may stir deep emotional waters, encouraging us to trust in the unseen and offering the opportunity to (re)connect with our higher selves.

The Sun, meanwhile, is in Virgo at 27 degrees, a sign of practicality, discernment, and service. This Pisces-Virgo axis emphasises the tension between the spiritual and the material, the mystical and the mundane. Virgo seeks order and efficiency, while Pisces is more concerned with the flow of life and the unseen forces that guide us. During this eclipse, we may find ourselves needing to balance these two energies, learning to integrate the practical aspects of life with a sense of higher purpose.

The Eclipse Cycle and Moon Family: Past and Future

This partial lunar eclipse is part of a Saros cycle, a repeating pattern of eclipses that recur approximately every 18 years. The Saros cycle organizes eclipses into families or series that span over a thousand years. Each series begins with penumbral eclipses, then transitions through partial and total eclipses, before eventually ending with another set of penumbral eclipses. This particular eclipse is number 52 of 73 in its series 118, set to end in 2962.

This Saros cycle brings a thematic recurrence of events and energies. For this eclipse, we can look back 18 years to see what was occurring in our lives in relation to the Pisces-Virgo axis, as similar themes may re-emerge. This also connects to the nodal reversal cycle, when the North and South Nodes were previously in Libra and Aries, the opposite of the current nodal placement, 9 years ago, echoing back to patterns and lessons from that time.

Bernadette Brady in Predictive Astrology The Eagle and the Lark looks at the Astrology of the first eclipse in each Saros series to predict the themes for the series. For this series she writes about themes of Separation and Loss, to be parted or to finish something, with sadness. She cautions that physical injury is possible and advises us to avoid over-exertion or strenuous activity.

This Saros Series ends in 2962. This Eclipse will be visible mostly over the Pacific Ocean (as befits a Pisces Moon!) but may also be seen in

-Americas, Europe and Africa

The instant of the greatest eclipse takes place on 2024 Sep 18 at TD (02:44:14 UT1). This will number 52 of a total of 73 eclipses in the series. This is a shallow partial eclipse. which will be followed two weeks later by an annular solar eclipse in Libra on Oct 02 2024.

In addition to the 18-year Saros cycle, we can also observe shorter lunar cycles, from this Pisces Moon such as the 28-day lunar month or the 6 months between a New Moon and Full Moon in the same sign.

Dietrich Pessin in Lunar Families III "Moon Family" concept introduces an even longer cycle of approximately 28 months, tracking the progression of the Moon and Sun at the same degree through new, quarter, full, and closing phases. The Full Moon and eclipse at this degree mark a culmination point in this lunar family, offering revelations about a journey that began in 2023


The New Moon for this Moon Family was on 21 March 2023 at 0 Aries. The First Quarter Moon, when the first adjustments or turning point was reached, was on 19 December 2023 at 27 Pisces. Now we have illuminating revelations, culminations and a further turning point at 25 Pisces on 18 September 2024. The final release of what we outgrow in this cycle will come on 18 June 2025 at 27 Pisces.

Fixed Star Alkaid: Female Mourners and Cyclic Change

The Sun’s proximity to the fixed star Alkaid during this eclipse adds a protective yet solemn quality to this Eclipse. Alkaid, traditionally linked with female mourners, denotes themes of loss, mourning, and the cycles of life and death which are inevitable. It serves as a reminder that change is an inherent part of life, and through surrendering to these cycles, we can find protection and renewal.

This star’s influence encourages reflection on what has ended, what must be let go, and how we can honour the past while stepping into the future. There is a sense of collective mourning, but also of protection as we transition through the inevitable cycles of life. In opposition with the Pisces Moon and connecting with the Virgo Sun, Alkaid may inspire deep emotional release during the time between eclipses, as well as the protective instinct to preserve what matters most


Key Aspects of the Lunar Eclipse: Neptune, Uranus, and the Lunar Nodes

  1. Moon Conjunct Neptune: The Moon in Pisces is travelling to meet Neptune, this is when an Astrological aspect can be most intense. Neptune is the outer planet most connected with the ethereal themes we often find in Pisces, amplifying the Eclipse’s spiritual and otherworldly themes. Neptune’s influence here enhances intuition, imagination, and connection to the divine. Together with the reflective, nurturing Moon, they can enhance the eclipse's otherwordly and mystical qualities and impact our emotional body.

    Neptune dissolves boundaries, making this a potent time for meditation, dreamwork, and connecting with the unseen realms. This aspect can also blur the lines between reality and fantasy, making it important to maintain discernment. It may help to make an intentional effort to stay grounded, the Sun together with Mercury (the ruler and exalted ruler of Virgo) in practical Virgo will support you with this.

  2. Moon Sextile Uranus: The Moon also forms a harmonious sextile with Uranus in Taurus, bringing the potential for sudden insights, breakthroughs, and unexpected shifts in our understanding of security, planning and beauty in the world, however you appreciate it. Uranus is the planet of awakening, revolution and disruption suggesting that this eclipse may bring surprising revelations that could help you change old patterns you have outgrown.

  3. Mars in Cancer Squares the Lunar Nodes: Mars, located in Cancer during this eclipse, forms a tense square to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. The square to the lunar nodes can signal a turning point related to our karmic path. Mars in Cancer, representing emotional courage, defence and protection, challenges us to face issues of personal and collective security. There may be a struggle between our emotional attachments and the need to take decisive action, particularly in relationships, Libra, and our growth to forge a path forward, Aries.

This nodal square may usher in fated circumstances, particularly in areas where we have been resisting necessary changes. The Mars-node square can feel like a cosmic crossroads, pushing us to choose whether we continue on our current path or pivot toward something new, especially in matters related to Cancer themes such as family, home, equality and emotional security.

The Pisces III Decan: Mars and Sacrifice

The eclipse takes place in the third decan of Pisces, ruled by Mars in both the Chaldean and Triplicity systems. The significations are usually amplified when a planet has double rulership, as Mars has here.

This decan is associated with themes of passion, sacrifice, and perseverance. Austin Coppock refers to this decan as the "Bowl of Blood," while Kira Ryberg calls it "Effort." These descriptions evoke imagery of intense struggle, dedication, and martyrdom—themes deeply connected to the energy of Pisces.

The Wild Way Oracle deck by

(@nicallanart on Instagram & Twitter) calls the decan Deep Sacrifice and guides us with the keywords:

Give your All; Passionate Quest; Martyrdom

This card offers the story of the Kingfisher, a bird on a passionate quest to catch the tastiest fish in the shallow waters, despite the danger. This imagery reflects the intense longing and willingness to take risks in pursuit of something that may or may not be worth the cost. The key lesson here is to balance passion and sacrifice with discernment and to ensure that your efforts are aligned with your true values.

The corresponding Tarot card for this decan is the 10 of Cups, symbolising emotional fulfilment, happiness, and completion. However, this fulfilment can often come at the cost of great effort or sacrifice. Give your all in pursuit of your dreams, but carefully consider what you are sacrificing and whether the outcome will truly be worth the price. Also, take the time to celebrate what you have completed and are ready to release


In Dreaming the Decans, T Susan Chang describes this decan in verse, this is an excerpt:

“The rainbow rising from the haze Never ceases to amaze.

A dream of hope and family: What’s real and what’s fantasy?

The vision beckons, but be wise: Bubbles burst when vast in size.

Crossing Realms of liquid light, Keep the story’s end in sight.”

Who Feels It?

This lunar eclipse is likely to be felt most strongly by those with significant placements in mutable and cardinal signs. Individuals with planets or angles near 25-27 degrees of the mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or 6-8 degrees of the Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These placements may experience profound emotional, spiritual, or physical shifts. This eclipse may also be particularly relevant for those who are attuned to the Pisces-Virgo axis in their charts, with prominent Jupiter or Mercury placements as it highlights themes of service, sacrifice, and spiritual connection.



The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, offers a powerful opportunity for reflection, release, and transformation. As the Moon’s reflective light is shadowed in the mystical waters of Pisces, we are encouraged to surrender to the cycles of change, honour the endings in our lives, and trust in the process of renewal. This eclipse invites us to connect deeply with our spiritual self, however that looks for you, to meditate on what we are ready to release, to embrace and allow the flow of life with compassion and grace.

As the first in a series of Pisces eclipses that will continue throughout 2025 and 2026, this eclipse marks the beginning of a longer journey of spiritual awakening and surrender. You might view this as an introduction to what themes you may personally expect. By tapping into the intuitive, flowing energy of Pisces, we can find the strength to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Travel Well, friends.

If you are looking for an Astrologer, and you enjoy my style of Astrology, I currently have space to take on new clients. If you would like a personal individual Astrology reading, I set a healing Reiki intention for every client before the reading. You can opt out of this if you prefer when you book at

If you prefer to go deeper and work with the Moons’ cycles and the planets in your personal chart then I also offer Astro Coaching. Contact me through a message here, or book at You can also become a paid subscriber to download my Astro Coaching Workgroup and access the archive of posts which guide you through it, working with the Moons. Upgrade your level to join the AstroCoaching Group and Astrology Q&A.

Please do leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts, experiences or questions.

References: The Decans: Images and Applications

Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology The Eagle and the Lark

Dietrich Pessin Lunar Families III The 36 Decans

T Susan Chang Dreaming the Decans

The Wild Way Oracle deck by Astro Artistry@nicallanart on Instagram & Twitter

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Celestia Astrology
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I am a Certified Traditional Hellenistic Astrologer & Therapeutic Mindfulness Coach. I blend Ancient Hellenistic Methods with Modern to offer you time honoured tradition, the wisdom of the ancients for contemporary life and the issues we face.
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#AstroMindfulness and this podcast is inspired by #mercuryinvirgo #Hail Mercury.